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Carry a bouquet that embodies your everlasting love with our handmade paper bridal bouquet, where beauty and sentiment intertwine.


These extraordinary bouquets will not only enhance your bridal ensemble but also become a treasured heirloom that tells the story of your special day.

Order yours today and let your love story bloom in stunning paper blossoms.


Let your bridesmaids carry a piece of your special day with our exquisite handmade paper bridesmaid bouquets.


These delightful bouquets are not only beautiful accessories for your bridal party, but they also serve as cherished souvenirs that your bridesmaids can keep as a lasting reminder of the joy and love shared on your wedding day.


Elevate your bridesmaids' style with our exquisite handmade paper bridesmaid hoops.

These unique floral hoops are not only stunning accessories for your bridal party, but they also serve as cherished souvenirs that your bridesmaids can keep as a beautiful reminder of your special day.

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